Thursday, September 9, 2010

Positive vibes to start it all off!


The KP One Year Project is officially underway and I'm proud to state that I started the workout regiment one day early - and have already seen a loss of 3 pounds this week.  THAT is without trying to control my carb intake and that is something I plan on doing, eating healthier, etc.  So I'm somewhat motivated by this very quick result acknowledging that by just DOING this - exercising, being active - will increase my metabolism and help get this weight off of me.  I had set up a year as being my goal for 70 pounds - but if I can take off 2 pounds a week, which is considered healthy and good to do - I can do my 70 pounds in about 8 months.  That would have me at my target weight by May/June of 2011, just in time to enjoy the summer like I'd like to.

On another note I got realllllllly frustrated at work tonight - 4 hours and I made a measly freakin' $21.  I've decided that I'm done with working for dimes and it served as just another reminder that yes, it's time to do something wonderful with my life.  Where that direction is going to take me, I'm not sure, but I need to rely on my talents to propel me and not "settle" for what I'm doing right now.  There are changes that would have to take place on a larger scale but I do definitely feel that I'm destined for more than I've been led to at this point.  And that in itself, is a good feeling.  I guess we all have to muddle through the bullshit to get there, though.

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