Friday, August 13, 2010

Preparation for the KP One Year Project


I've decided to set myself on a new journey.  I'm about to hit 45 years old on September 1 and in some ways I'm miserable.  The Project?  To change myself.  And not just physically.

I weighed in at 275 on my home scales this week and I'm disgusted.  I've used the Atkins diet several times and always take off around 30 pounds, only to have it creep back on to me - plus a pound or two - when I go off.  I get no exercise.  I drink very little water.  THAT has to change.  So I want to lose 70 pounds.  If I take off 6 pounds a month, over 12 months, that's 72 pounds.  I'd be thrilled to be down to about 200 pounds.  I'm stocky & always have been - I can accept that.  But I don't have to accept being FAT.

I'm a smoker.  I want to stop.  Deciding on "one day" has never worked - so I'm going to set some short term goals for myself in terms of smoking, like cutting down on the amount that I smoke, and/or using the patch to help quit.  I hear myself wheezing at night when I'm trying to go to sleep, and I couldn't run if I had to save my life.  That habit of smoking, in combination with my weight, makes me a prime candidate for heart attack, heart disease, diabetes and more.  I don't have to accept THAT.

I'm a wonderful vocalist and songwriter.  But I bog myself down in cover material and have kept my keyboard on it's side for the last year.  It's time to dust that puppy off, write the music from the moods and cycles that hit me (see my other blog for that explanation) and create some great music.  I can do it, and not doing it only lets myself down.  I don't have to accept THAT.

Having not worked a full time job for the last year I find myself quite bored.  I have two options:  Either continue building my own business and marketing it, or finding full time employment again.  The present situation leaves me bored out of my mind.  And I don't have to accept THAT.

So this blog will help chronicle the changes that I make along the way and as I reach towards these goals.  If nothing else I will use it as a diary to keep myself on track and to inform anyone who wants to read it.  And the start date of this is September 7, 2010.  I'm doing that to be able to celebrate my birthday of September 1 2010 and the weekend following as it's Labor Day and I don't want to be under any restrictions or plans as that happens.

It will truly be a year of change for me - just watch and see.

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