Sunday, November 7, 2010

so much to think about today


Ok, quickly the updates - I've lost 20 pounds since starting this new project which is basically a self improvement project which I am blogging about.  Work situation is the same, but I've kinda put the brakes on finding a serious position until after the first of the year.  There are a few reasons for deciding this, some financial, some personal, but one "bright spot" is that people will be let go at the first of the year and there will be more jobs to choose from.  I haven't given up on the company that almost hired me last month as they said they had new projects coming on soon that they were interested in me for.

Now on to life...

Geez, where to start....One thought that crossed my mind tonight was age related.  I saw some clothing and have observed some behavior by our youth over the last few days that has been disheartening.  The observation is that most of them have no social skills (which is ironic considering they live in a very "social conscious" society) in person, generally are rude, and have no manners or knowledge of how to speak to people.  Granted, my experiences with these youth have been very limited, but it's still that first impression that sticks with you.  You come in dressed like a hoochie-mama, I'm gonna think you're a hoochie-mama.  Don't blame me.  I didn't dress you.  And if you come up to me needing something that I provide, have the decency to say "Please" and "Thank You" - it will do you wonders in life.

Maybe it's just me, but I was always taught that you want people to have a favorable impression of you after they've left your presence.  Maybe I wasn't even taught that, but I sure want it.    Just seems "right".

I'm typing this listening to my dog get comfortable behind my chair.  She emits little grunts and groans that I know are her language of saying "Oy, what a day!" and I treat it as much.  I've even answered her before as if it were real conversation.  Don't blame me.  I didn't make the noise.

Can't help how I hear it.

Dogs:  I have come to the conclusion that these are the most wonderful things around.  I could list the endless supply of neat things my/our dogs do, but the main one directed to any cat lovers (and yes, we have a cat too) - is that you can put them on a leash and go for a walk.  We took all 3 today, Dakota, Fergie & Harper, on a walk for a full mile - actually a little more than a mile.  Dakota & Fergie have to lose weight.  (as do we).  But there's just something about that excitement to see you when you've been away,. that unconditional love being exuded when you come back in the door......well, it's just wonderful.

There's more I could write about but I'm going to let this be it for tonight.  Not too much, just something that's been going on in my head for the last coupla days.


p.s.  I'm having a nice big bloody mary